Veille autisme - US : BEST PRACTICE AUTISM

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Veille autisme - US : BEST PRACTICE AUTISM

Message par nana »


Je partagerai, ici, avec vous le contenu des bulletins auquels je suis abonnée.
Il s'agit de Best Practice Autism qui est une source américaine.

Monday, February 9, 2015
Mothers of Children with Autism Report High Levels of Fatigue and Mental Distress ... +Autism%29

Enthousiasmée par Les Royaumes Démoniaques de Christopher Evrard
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Re: Veille autisme - US : BEST PRACTICE AUTISM

Message par nana »

The Crisis in Mental Health Services for Adults with Autism

TRADUCTION: Les services de santé publique pour Adultes autistes sont en crise.

Posted: 28 Feb 2015 07:42 AM PST



Enthousiasmée par Les Royaumes Démoniaques de Christopher Evrard
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Re: Veille autisme - US : BEST PRACTICE AUTISM

Message par nana »

LIEN vers l'article: ... +Autism%29

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

    Lee A. Wilkinson, PhD
TRADUCTION du titre du livre:
Vaincre l'anxiété et la dépression dans les autismes: un guide du développement utilisant la TCC

Many adults on the autism spectrum experience isolation, interpersonal difficulties, anxiety, depressed mood, and coping problems. Award-winning author Dr. Lee A. Wilkinson's new book presents strategies derived from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), adapted specifically for adults with autism, to help them overcome anxiety, and depression, and improve their psychological wellbeing.
  • The author takes the best of CBT therapeutic techniques to facilitate greater self-understanding, self-advocacy, and better decision-making in life-span activities such as employment and interpersonal relationships.
TRADUCTION du texte en vert:
L'auteur réunit les meilleures pratiques thérapeutiques de thérapie cognitive et comportementales (TCC) pour faciliter un(e) plus grand(e)
- compréhension de soi
- confiance en soi
- et une meilleure prise de décision pour des activités de vie telles que l'emploi et les relations inter-personnelles.

Accessible and easy-to-read, this self-help guide provides evidence-based tools that can be used to learn new self-fulfilling ways of thinking, feeling, and doing. It includes questionnaires, forms/worksheets, and exercises to help the reader:

Evaluate his or her autistic traits and discover their cognitive style.
Identify and modify the thoughts and beliefs that underlie and maintain the cycles of anxiety, depression, and anger.
Apply therapeutic techniques such as mindfulness, positive self-talk, guided imagery, and problem-solving.
Accept the past and achieve unconditional self-acceptance.
Deal effectively with perfectionism and low frustration tolerance.
Avoid procrastination and learn to maintain the positive changes to their progress.

-Evaluez vos traits autistiques et découvre votre style cognitif propre.
-Identifiez et modifiez les pensées et les croyances qui soutiennent et maintiennent les cycles de l'anxiété, de la dépression et de la colère.
- Appliquez des thérapies cliniques telles que la conscience de soi, s'auto-encourager, la visualisation orientée d'images pour se soigner et résoudre ses problèmes.
-Acceptez votre passé et parvenez à vous accepter totalement
-Traitez votre perfectionnisme et votre tendance à de " *l'hédonisme à court-terme"
- Evitez la procastination et apprenez à maintenir les changements positifs jusqu'au progrès.

]définition: *seeking immediate pleasure or avoidance of pain at the cost of long-term stress and defeatism
TRAD de la définition: stratégie adoptée par la personnes autiste qui consiste à rechercher le plaisir immédiat et à éviter la douleur au prix de sombrer dans du stress durablement et dans du défaitisme[

Table of Contents/ TABLE des MATIERES:

1. Introduction. Adults on the Autism Spectrum.
2. Where Are You on the Autism Spectrum?
3. Self-Analysis and Your Cognitive Style.
4. The ABCs of Emotions.
5. Rationality and Scientific Thinking.
6. Imagery, Mindfulness and Self-Talk.
7. Maintaining Your Changes.
Appendix A. Autism Quotient (AQ).
Appendix B. Empathy Quotient (EQ).
Appendix C. Systemizing Quotient (SQ).
Appendix D. ABC Worksheet.
Appendix E. Thought - Feeling Worksheet.
Appendix F. Unhelpful Thinking Habits Record Form.
Appendix G. CBT Self-Help Thought Record Form.
Appendix H. Daily Mood and Thought Worksheet.
Appendix I. Self-Talk Record Form.
Appendix J. Coping Thought Worksheet.
Appendix K. Problem Solving Worksheet.
Appendix L. Maintaining Change Worksheet. Unhelpful Thinking Habits. Major Irrational Beliefs.
Reference List.
About the Author.


Enthousiasmée par Les Royaumes Démoniaques de Christopher Evrard
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Enregistré le : 06 avr. 2015, 14:23

Re: Veille autisme - US : BEST PRACTICE AUTISM

Message par Albert-F »

Merci Nana, pour ce résumé (et les traductions).
Domage que je ne lise pas couramment l'anglais

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Re: Veille autisme - US : BEST PRACTICE AUTISM

Message par nana »

Dossier du mois: Le diagnostic

(avis aux traducteurs)

Best Practice Guide to Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Posted: 13 Sep 2015 08:43 AM PDT

Assessment and diagnosis are only of value when they provide access to the delivery of appropriate intervention and educational services. The primary goals of conducting an autism spectrum assessment are to determine the presence and severity of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), develop interventions for intervention/treatment planning, and collect data that will help with progress monitoring.

Professionals must also determine whether an ASD has been overlooked or misclassified, describe coexisting (comorbid) disorders, or identify an alternative classification. Interviews and observation schedules, together with an interdisciplinary assessment of social behavior, language and communication, adaptive behavior, motor skills, sensory issues, atypical behaviors, and cognitive functioning are recommended best practice procedures.

There are several important considerations that should inform the assessment process. First, a developmental perspective is critically important. While the core symptoms of are present during early childhood, ASD is a lifelong disability that affects the individual’s adaptive functioning from childhood through adulthood. Utilizing a developmental assessment framework provides a yardstick for understanding the severity and quality of delays or atypicality. Because ASD affects multiple developmental domains, the use of an interdisciplinary team constitutes best practice for assessment and diagnosis of ASD. A team approach is essential for establishing a developmental and psychosocial profile of the child in order to guide intervention planning. The following principles should guide the assessment process.

Children who screen positive for ASD should be referred for a comprehensive assessment. Although screening tools have utility in broadly identifying children who are at-risk for an autism spectrum condition, they are not recommended as stand alone diagnostic instruments or as a substitute for a more inclusive assessment.
Assessment should involve careful attention to the signs and symptoms consistent with ASD as well as other coexisting childhood disorders.

When a student is suspected of having an ASD, a review of his or her developmental history in areas such as speech, communication, social and play skills is an important first step in the assessment process.
A family medical history and review of psychosocial factors that may play a role in the child’s development is a significant component of the assessment process.
The integration of information from multiple sources will strengthen the reliability of the assessment results.
Evaluation of academic achievement should be included in assessment and intervention planning to address learning and behavioral concerns in the child’s overall school functioning.
Assessment procedures should be designed to assist in the development of instructional objectives and intervention strategies based on the student’s unique pattern of strengths and weaknesses.
Because impairment in communication and social reciprocity are core features of ASD, a comprehensive developmental assessment should include both domains.

A comprehensive developmental assessment approach requires the use of multiple measures including, but not limited to, verbal reports, direct observation, direct interaction and evaluation, and third-party reports. Assessment is a continuous process, rather than a series of separate actions, and procedures may overlap and take place in tandem. While specific activities of the assessment process will vary and depend on the child’s age, history, referral questions, and any previous evaluations and assessments, the following components should be included in a best practice assessment and evaluation of ASD in school-age children.

Record review
Developmental and medical history
Medical screening and/or evaluation
Parent/caregiver interview
Parent/teacher ratings of social competence
Direct child observation
Cognitive assessment
Academic assessment
Adaptive behavior assessment
Communication and language assessment

Children with ASD often demonstrate additional problems beyond those associated with the core domains. Therefore, other areas should be included in the assessment battery depending on the referral question, history, and core evaluation results. These may include:

Sensory processing
Executive function and attention
Motor skills
Family system
Coexisting behavioral/emotional problems

The above referenced principles and procedures for the assessment of school-age children with ASD are reflected in recommendations of the American Academy of Neurology, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American Academy of Pediatrics, and a consensus panel with representation from multiple professional societies.

A detailed description of the comprehensive developmental assessment model and specific assessment tools recommended for each domain can be found in A Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism and Asperger Syndrome in Schools.
© Lee A. Wilkinson, PhD
Lee A. Wilkinson, PhD, CCBT, NCSP is author of the award-winning book, A Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism and Asperger Syndrome in Schools, published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. He is also editor of a recent volume in the APA School Psychology Book Series, Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Evidence-Based Assessment and Intervention in Schools and author of the new book, Overcoming Anxiety and Depression on the Autism Spectrum: A Self-Help Guide Using CBT.

== =
Je me suis permis de souligner quelques points-repères ou seyants lors d'une lecture en diagonale pour une éventuelle traduction économique si vous êtiez volontaire.
= = =

Enthousiasmée par Les Royaumes Démoniaques de Christopher Evrard
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Enregistré le : 09 août 2009, 03:04
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Re: Veille autisme - US_Rapport_Pratiques pour l'autisme

Message par nana »

Source : Best Practice Autism (lettre de diffusion)

INTENTION de ce message: informer

ATTENTION: pour accéder au rapport complet qui est gratuit la revue oblige à s'inscrire à la lettre de diffusion (à ce que vous donniez vos coordonnées). SAtedI y est inscrit donc possède le rapport MAIS je ne suis pas autorisée à le partager sans que vous ayez souscrit.
Vu la situation idiote générée, je laisse au libre arbitre de chacun de décider s'il veut souscrire ou pas (sachez que *SAtedI dénonce ce genre de pratique non libre et qui ferme l'accès à l'information).

SAtedI supports thoroughly free access to information ie warn against forcing people into subscribing to get access to information.

ACTION militante: je leur envoie une lettre pour leur demander l'autorisation de publier ce rapport sur le forum...

En attendant, le résumé vous donnera déjà une idée, une orientation dans les pratiques.

Enfin, envoyez moi un mp pour tout intérêt que susciterait le message ci-dessous. Bonne lecture.


dossier du mois: Revue & analyse des pratiques en autisme fondé sur des recherches menées de 2007 à 2012.
je cite,
review and analysis of interventions for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) based on research conducted in the field from 2007 to 2012.
Auteur de l'étude, je cite "The National Autism Center is May Institute’s Center for the Promotion of Evidence-based Practice. It is a nonprofit organization ..."
Le Centre National de l'Autisme, organisation à but non lucratif dédiée à compiler et diffuser de l'info documentée sur les pratiques au profit des personnes autistes, des praticiens et de la communauté.

En savoir plus,
- - - - - - - - - -

"ASD" est la dernière appellation du *continuum autistique aux Etats-Unis.
-> Cela signifie Trouble du *Spectre Autistique/ Autisme Spectrum Disorder (en anglais)
= TSA (en français)

"ASC" est la dernière appellation du *continuum autistique en Angleterre (au Centre de Recherche sur l'Autisme de Cambridge -UK- dit ARC (équipe du Pr Baron-Cohen, de Mrs Robinson & Co).
-> Cela signifie Condition du Continuum Autistique/ Autism Spectrum Condition (en anglais). En français, ce serait Condition du Spectre Autistique (CSA).

La différence entre les 2 appellations est celle de conceptions philosophiques &humaines de l'autisme : - !
- - - - - - - - - -

But de l'étude synoptique, je cite

"The primary goal of the Project was to provide critical information about which interventions/treatments have been shown to be effective for children, adolescents, and young adults with ASD."

Le but premier du projet a été de fournir une information décisive sur quels interventions/traitements se sont montrés avoir été efficaces pour les enfants, adolescents et les jeunes adultes autistes.

Les catégories retenues ont été les suivantes
Je cite la source en anglais, "The interventions were subsequently categorized as"

1) Established, and producing beneficial outcomes known to be effective;
Reconnu et ayant produit des résultats bénéfiques & efficaces

dont voici la liste, je cite

Behavioral Interventions/interventions comportementales
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Package/Ensemble des interventions comportementales & Cognitives
Comprehensive Behavioral Treatment for Young Children/
Language Training (Production)
Natural Teaching Strategies
Parent Training
Peer Training Package
Pivotal Response Training
Social Skills Package
Story-based Intervention

2) Emerging, with some evidence of effectiveness, but still requiring more research, and
Emergeant, avec quelque preuve d'efficacité mais nécessitant de plus amples recherches et

3) Unestablished, and having little or no evidence of effectiveness.
Non reconnu et ayant peu ou n'ayant pas prouvé avoir été efficace.

Il est précisé que cette liste n'est pas à considérer comme étant l'approche à viser pour aller mieux mais un élément d'un ensemble à déterminer au cas par cas.

LIre l'étude dans son intégralité, [*ATTENTION, ils obligent pour cela à ce que vous souscriviez à la lettre de diffusion en donnant toutes vos coordonnées! ] ... t/phase-2/


Enthousiasmée par Les Royaumes Démoniaques de Christopher Evrard
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Messages : 3968
Enregistré le : 09 août 2009, 03:04
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Re: Veille autisme - US : BEST PRACTICE AUTISM

Message par nana »

Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Decoding Challenging Behavior in Autistic Children

SOURCE 1ere: ... +Autism%29

Challenging behavior is any behavior that interferes with a child’s learning, engagement, and social interactions with her peers or adults. Aggression is often observed as one form of challenging behavior in autism. Although aggression is not itself a symptom of autism and not all autistic individuals are aggressive, research suggests that rates of challenging behavior may be higher in individuals with autism compared to typically developing peers and those with other developmental disabilities. Children with autism don’t necessarily express anger, fear, anxiety or frustration in the same way as other children. However, irritability is a symptom of autism that can complicate adjustment at home and other settings, and can manifest itself in aggression, tantrums, and self-injurious behavior.

# Comportement défi (sujet: définition)
# agression (sujet: relativisé en autisme)
# different ways of expressing oneself in autism
# irritabilité

Behavior as Communication
Common Triggers

References and Further Reading
(livres cités datant de 2004 à 2011)

Lee A. Wilkinson, PhD is a licensed and nationally certified school psychologist, chartered psychologist, and certified cognitive-behavioral therapist. He is author of the award-winning books, A Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism and Asperger Syndrome in Schools and Overcoming Anxiety on the Autism Spectrum: A Self-Help Guide Using CBT. He is also editor of a best-selling text in the APA School Psychology Book Series, Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Evidence-Based Assessment and Intervention in Schools. His latest book is A Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Schools (2nd Edition).

Enthousiasmée par Les Royaumes Démoniaques de Christopher Evrard